How Can I Survive My First Week with Braces?

April 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — isaakyelizar @ 7:58 pm
Teeth with braces

Traditional metal braces are a tried-and-proven orthodontic method that has allowed millions of patients to enjoy the oral and overall health benefits that come from having properly aligned teeth. While braces are renowned for being effective, they are also well-known for being rather uncomfortable when you first start wearing them. Here’s a quick guide to what you can expect during your first week with braces as well as a few pointers for getting through it as comfortably as possible.

Be Prepared Before You Receive Your Braces

After you first receive your braces, you might not be in the mood to head to the supermarket and pick up all of the necessary supplies. Before you show up to your orthodontist’s office to get them, be sure to stock up on the odds and ends you’ll need. A few examples include:

  • Fluoride toothpaste
  • A soft-bristled toothbrush
  • A gum massager
  • Floss along with threaders so you can clean beneath the wires
  • Dental wax
  • Over-the-counter pain relievers
  • Anything else your orthodontist recommends

Be Mindful of What You Eat

Traditional metal braces come with a list of foods that you won’t be able to eat while wearing them. Most of these prohibited foods are very crunchy or chewy, which makes them likely to pull your brackets or wires loose, or sugary, which can lead to dental stains, gum disease, or tooth decay.

However, your teeth will probably be quite sensitive right after receiving braces, so you’ll want to have soft and mild foods that are easy to prepare available when you get home. Stock up on foods like pasta, soft veggies, seedless bread, soup, yogurt, and pudding. You can expect the soreness to diminish after several days, and you can start eating more solid foods as it becomes comfortable again.

Use a Saltwater Rinse

You may experience some irritation after receiving braces, and using a saltwater rinse can be a great way to relieve it. Mix about half a teaspoon of table salt with a cup of warm water and swish it about your mouth for thirty seconds at a time. You can do this five or six times a day to relieve pain, clean away debris, and help any sore areas heal faster.

Knowing how to deal with braces when you first get them can help that awkward first week pass by as smoothly as possible. By following your orthodontist’s instructions, you can prevent delays in your treatment and attain the best possible results.

About the Author

Dr. Isaak Yelizar earned his dental degree from the New York University College of Dentistry and completed his orthodontic residency at St. Barnabas Hospital in Bronx, NY. He is proud to be a member of the American Association of Orthodontists. His offices in Queens and Farmingdale, NY offer orthodontic treatments for teens and adults, including traditional metal braces. To schedule an orthodontic consultation, contact him online.

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