Students & Straight Smiles: Back-to-School Tips for Teens with Angel Aligners

August 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — isaakyelizar @ 6:19 am
A teen girl holding two Angel Aligners in her hand

Since summer is winding down, your teenager is probably a lot busier. That’s only natural – they have to prepare for school and the classes that come with it. Even so, busyness shouldn’t make them neglect their Angel Aligners; school studies don’t excuse skipping care. You’d be wise to help them so the return to school doesn’t delay their treatment. If you need advice, your Queens orthodontist can share pointers with you. Here are four back-to-school tips for teens with Angel Aligners.

Make Sure They Have Their Case

An aligner case is just as crucial for your student as other school supplies. Please make sure they keep it with them at all times.

Don’t forget that clear trays are fragile and easy to lose. If your teen sets them in a pocket or napkin during lunch, they could easily damage or misplace the aligners. The best way to avoid that outcome is to have them keep a carrying case; it’d secure the trays and protect them from bacteria.

Give Them a Handy Dental Kit

Angel Aligners aren’t teeth, but they still depend on good oral hygiene to work.  Account for that fact by giving your teen a dental kit for school days.

You see, kids can easily skip oral care outside the house. They’ll often use a tight schedule and classes to justify not cleaning their smiles. However, a dental kit with a soft-bristled toothbrush and travel-size toothpaste changes things. This tool set motivates teens to clean their teeth, making their time with Angel Aligners easier.

Pack Soft Foods for Easy School Lunches

School lunches can get tricky for teens with Angel Aligners. Given that fact, ensure your teen’s lunch has plenty of soft foods.

Keep in mind that your child’s mouth will feel sore during new tray cycles. When that happens, eating a regular meal may be too painful for them. You can compensate by packing a lunch of soft foods like yogurt, soups, and smoothies. These products would go easy on the teeth and get less in the way of the aligners. less with the aligners.

Help Them with Aligner Wear-Time

Your teen may struggle to meet their aligners’ daily wear time. If so, help them reach it by addressing issues like:

  • Bad Breath & Dry Mouth – You can’t cure bad breath or dry mouth, but you can manage them. Tell your teen to drink plenty of water, brush and floss after meals, and chew sugar-free mints.
  • Discomfort – To keep your teen from removing their trays out of pain, let them use dental wax and rinse their mouth with peroxide-based mouthwash.

Would you like to learn other back-to-school tips for teens with Angel Aligners? If so, just talk to your dental provider- they’ll gladly share more!

About the Practice

SimpliBraces is based in Queens, NY. Led by Dr. Isaak Yelizar, our practice takes a personal and patient-centric approach to orthodontics. That means we use our dental technology to provide patients with custom braces, aligners, and other devices for their smiles. As a result, our team is ready and able to help even the most crooked grins! For more details or to book a visit, please reach us on our website or by phone at (929)-229-1009.

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