Making Moves: Why Your Teeth Might Feel Loose with Braces

June 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — isaakyelizar @ 12:30 pm
A woman having her braces checked by an orthodontist.

If you have braces and have lost all your baby teeth, you may be surprised to feel a familiar sensation that you thought you’d outgrown: loose teeth. But while wiggly teeth as a kid meant a new tooth was coming in, it means something a bit different when you’re undergoing orthodontic treatment. Here’s what you need to know about why your teeth might be feeling this way, and whether or not you should be concerned about it.

How Do Braces Work?

In order to figure out why your teeth might feel loose, it’s important to first understand how braces work. Braces align the teeth via brackets that are cemented into place and then connected by a wire. The wire creates tension which pulls the teeth from their original position to a more ideal one. This movement occurs slowly over time, but in order to do so, the teeth themselves must move in the direction the braces are guiding them.

Why Are My Teeth Loose?

Your teeth are secured to your mouth via a periodontal ligament. As the wire pulls the teeth in the desired direction, they stretch and compress, clearing a wider space for your tooth to move into. Basically, to move your tooth in any given direction, it must break down the bone in that direction so it can proceed. Once it has done this, it will shift, and the bone in its original space will heal. Thus, to move, your tooth must become loose.

Will My Teeth Fall Out?

The good news is that though it might feel weird, tooth movement during orthodontic treatment isn’t just normal, it’s a good thing. It means your teeth are traveling quite literally in the right direction.  Furthermore, this motion is temporary, and as long as they are healthy adult teeth, they should not fall out simply from wearing braces.

Reasons Your Teeth Could Fall Out

While the danger of your teeth falling out due to orthodontic treatment alone is very low, there are still reasons you could lose adult teeth. Periodontal disease occurs when the gums become infected by bacteria. This infection can cause the gums and jawbone to deteriorate, which can cause teeth to fall out.  People who wear braces are at a higher risk of periodontal disease due to both the addition of orthodontic equipment and the difficulty of caring for the teeth and gums because of it.

Thus, it is extremely important that you maintain proper oral hygiene, including:

  • Brushing after every meal
  • Flossing at least once a day
  • Attending your semi-annual dental exams
  • Visiting the orthodontist for your regularly scheduled appointments

Remember, your teeth need to loosen a bit to move into their ideal position. Rest assured that your orthodontist knows the proper way to make these adjustments so that they move in the right direction and at the right speed. If you do experience any tooth looseness, don’t despair. This movement is likely temporary and is an encouraging sign that your new smile is well on its way!

About Dr. Yelizar

Dr. Isaak Yelizar has experienced firsthand the impact braces can make on improving your smile and your self-esteem, both by helping countless patients but also by wearing braces as a young teen himself. It is his goal to help each patient that comes to SimpliBraces achieve the smile of their dreams.

To schedule an appointment to start your orthodontic treatment, please visit our website or call us at 929-229-1009.

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