Many people who wear braces don’t want others to know about it. They may worry about their appearance, feel uncomfortable to be wearing orthodontics as an adult, or just want to be private about this. You have a number of options to consider, but one that is more and more popular is known as lingual or hidden braces in Forest Hills, NY.
Lingual is a word that means tongue, so you’ll find lingual braces close to the tongue, placed on the back — not the front — of the teeth. They’re more secret than other orthodontic options. In fact, you won’t notice these braces unless you look inside someone’s mouth, which is a task reserved for dentists and hygienists.
Secret, Sturdy, & Durable
With hidden braces, the brackets and wires go on the back of teeth, where they can’t be seen. They’re similar to traditional orthodontics in that way. They are sturdy and durable, as well as invisible. They’re also like traditional braces in the length of time it takes to straighten teeth, which is generally about 2 years for adults.
Because these braces are custom fit to your teeth and mouth, you have a higher level of comfort. And comfort is critical during the months you’re straightening teeth or a bite with lingual braces.