What’s the Big Deal with These Rubber Bands I’m Supposed to Wear on My Braces?

January 13, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — isaakyelizar @ 11:55 pm
Teen wears rubber bands on braces

Traditional metal braces are a tried and proven way to bring even severely misaligned teeth into a healthier, more functional, and more beautiful arrangement. However, these appliances require no small amount of effort on the part of the patient for the treatment to be effective, and this can involve wearing special appliances to keep the teeth shifting in the right directions. Here’s a brief guide to why wearing rubber brands on your braces may be necessary as well as a few tips for keeping your orthodontic process comfortable.


Dentist vs. Orthodontist: Who Should Straighten Your Teeth?

December 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — isaakyelizar @ 5:54 pm
Orthodontist using model to demonstrate how braces work

If you have an overbite, underbite, crooked teeth, or another dental alignment issue, you should certainly seek professional care. But whom should you choose to straighten your smile? Some general dentists offer braces and/or clear aligners, such as Invisalign. However, orthodontists specialize in such services. Does it really matter which one you visit? It might. This blog post discusses why an orthodontist is the best bet.


DIBS AI — A Faster Way to Place Braces Brackets

December 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — isaakyelizar @ 4:18 pm
Happy, smiling patient with braces

If you have ever known anyone with braces, they might have told you that starting their treatment was a somewhat long and tedious process. Their orthodontist had to painstakingly place brackets on their teeth one at a time! If you are soon going to get braces, you may be relieved to know that new technology is making it faster and easier than ever to place braces brackets! This blog post aims to introduce you to the marvels of DIBS AI.


Is It Possible to Get Braces for Just One Row of Teeth?

November 14, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — isaakyelizar @ 2:00 pm
Teenage girl in yellow sweater with braces on top teeth

Most of the time, traditional braces are placed on both the upper and lower teeth. But what if you’re only concerned about the alignment of the teeth in a single row? Can you get braces for just one arch? And is doing so ultimately a good idea for your smile? Your orthodontist is here to help you find the answer to these questions before you move forward with the process of straightening your teeth with braces.


Ready For Orthodontics? Here Are Questions to Ask on Day One

September 26, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — isaakyelizar @ 8:08 pm
Patient smiling at orthodontist during orthodontics consultation

Starting your treatment with orthodontics can feel both exciting and a bit nerve-wracking at the same time. Whether you’re considering braces or clear aligners, the first appointment is your chance to get all the information you need. Asking the right questions will help you feel confident and prepared for the road ahead. So, if you’re at a loss, continue reading. You’ll find some excellent questions to ask at your consultation as you take your first step toward a straightened smile!


Students & Straight Smiles: Back-to-School Tips for Teens with Angel Aligners

August 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — isaakyelizar @ 6:19 am
A teen girl holding two Angel Aligners in her hand

Since summer is winding down, your teenager is probably a lot busier. That’s only natural – they have to prepare for school and the classes that come with it. Even so, busyness shouldn’t make them neglect their Angel Aligners; school studies don’t excuse skipping care. You’d be wise to help them so the return to school doesn’t delay their treatment. If you need advice, your Queens orthodontist can share pointers with you. Here are four back-to-school tips for teens with Angel Aligners.


Can A Retainer Straighten My Teeth?

July 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — isaakyelizar @ 7:15 pm
Close up of a hand holding a retainer

You woke up one morning to find that the teeth in your mirror’s reflection aren’t perfectly straight. Maybe this is the point where your gaze slid over to a forgotten retainer case, and you thought, “Okay. That could work.”

It’s a good thing you’re double-checking with some research! The simple answer to your question is that no, old retainers can’t be used to re-straighten your teeth. Keep reading to learn what you should do instead.


Which is Best: Angel Aligner or Invisalign?

June 29, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — isaakyelizar @ 12:58 pm
Clear aligners.

If you’re looking to straighten your teeth without resorting to traditional wire and bracket braces, you may be considering clear aligners. Clear aligners are trays that fit over the teeth and gently guide them into a new position. Instead of replacing wires, with clear aligners you replace the entire tray. They are nearly invisible, more comfortable than braces, and can often straighten your teeth faster, too.

You may have heard of the aligner brand Invisalign, but what you may not know is that there’s an alternative to Invisalign that works almost the same way. Here’s why when it comes to your aligners, Angel Aligner could be a better fit!


Making Moves: Why Your Teeth Might Feel Loose with Braces

June 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — isaakyelizar @ 12:30 pm
A woman having her braces checked by an orthodontist.

If you have braces and have lost all your baby teeth, you may be surprised to feel a familiar sensation that you thought you’d outgrown: loose teeth. But while wiggly teeth as a kid meant a new tooth was coming in, it means something a bit different when you’re undergoing orthodontic treatment. Here’s what you need to know about why your teeth might be feeling this way, and whether or not you should be concerned about it.


There’s No In-Between: Why Flossing with Clear Aligners Is an Absolute Must

May 1, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — isaakyelizar @ 2:12 pm
Man flossing his teeth

If you ask any traditional braces wearer, chances are they have an embarrassing story about having food stuck in their brackets, or the frustration of cleaning around their wires. One of the benefits of Angel Aligners is that you don’t have to deal with the complicated cleaning process of regular braces. That’s because clear aligners easily remove for meals, beverages, and oral health care. But just because your aligners will stay cleaner than wire and bracket braces doesn’t mean you don’t still need to care for your teeth during your treatment. In fact, flossing well while wearing clear aligners is an absolute must.

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